Further development of this work can be found at http://damonhaywardbcu.tumblr.com
The brief required me to produce graphics for a type lead poster, a digital aspect and one other touch point for a chosen issue. I ran with drinkaware and alcohol abuse as my subject and after looking at their previous advertising campaigns i saw a huge gap for this new style of work I wanted to develop. I wanted to completely re-invent their promotional style with brighter and more engaging visuals.
Starting with my two final typography posters. This visual style was intended to demand attention from any audience, legal drinking age or not. I wanted to keep my audience as wide as possible as this is an issue everyone needs to be aware of. I chose to focus on the ‘units of alcohol’ aspect more so because of how little awareness there is at how quickly your daily amount can be filled up.
As a part of the brief, this digital animation showcases how the posters could be used online, on tv's in bars or on digital billboards
The ‘one other touchpoint’ portion of the brief actually became two other touch points. An idea for a public installation and also interactive beer mats that react to the temperature of the glass placed on top. Both work on my thought process of ‘to truly understand something you need to experience it’. 

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